
Click on the image below to be directed to the Speedwell Family Support page.            The Speedwell Trust offer 1:1 support as well as famiy support.


Contact details:

Tara: 07717411465

Kim: 07717410393



Download the document below to read "A Quick Guide to the Curriculum"


Return to school: September 2022

Dear parents,

I hope you have all enjoyed the summer break, it always seems to go in so quickly!

Please find attached some relevant details below. Life in St Joseph's will continue as normal. We have not received any new guidance or updates regarding Covid isolation times, or testing guidance, so we will very much have to wait and see what happens. We truly hope this will be a settled year with limited sickness and absences for both pupils and staff. As always, we will endeavour to do the best for all of the children in our care.

If you have any additional queries please email me on

School uniform: Apologies for the delay in informing you of collection details. Despite our order being place early we are still waiting on a large portion of uniform items. We have been assured these will be with us shortly.

Uniforms can be collected on Tuesday between 10am - 2pm and on Wednesday from 10am - 4pm. 

We have always been mindful of the costs of uniforms. The children may continue to wear their own sports clothing for PE activities, if required. PLAIN navy trousers / track bottoms / leggings may also continue to be worn, no sports logo bottoms please. The children may also continue to wear non logo items such as plain pale blue polo shirts and navy jumpers, if desired. Please make sure ALL uniform items are clearly labelled as well as lunch boxes, drinking bottles...

School meals: We will continue with the ParentPay system. It may take a week to get it running smoothly again. As long  as the children tell their teacher in the first week we will be able to keep the system updated. Once fully operational, please book ALL meals, paid and free on the system. 

Stay & Play: This will operate for children in P1 & P2 who wish to stay in school until 3pm. If your child is going home by bus please make sure we are aware.

Hall collection: We will continue to walk the children down to the hall at 3pm. Please make sure all of the people who collect your child/ren are aware of this. Please also ensure that cars do not drive in through the entrance when we are walking through. Please also do not distract the teacher who is watching to ensure the children are safely collected.

School access: Parents should not enter the school building. The children should enter the school building independently. P1/P2- access through the front door. P3/4- access through the side door. P5/6- children should go around the side of the building and up to the mobile. If it is very wet, or they are running late, please go through the front door, out the back and up to the mobile. P6/7 - access though the side door. Children arriving by car should be dropped off at the lay-by so they can safely walk up the path. Please do not walk though our staff car-park.

Late arrival: If your child arrives late to school please make sure they gain entry to the building / classroom. The front door is very heavy, the younger children may need assistance to open it. 

Children arriving by car should be left off at 9am. Working parents may leave children off at the lay-by from 8.45am. The children will then be supervised in the main hall until 9am when they will go to class.


Our Tyrone visitors were very welcome in St Joseph's 



Our Flower Arranging Experts


Read our report on the Department of Education website:



O’Dowd opens new ICT unit at St Joseph’s Primary School, Killeenan
Date published: 10 December 2015
Schools And Infrastructure Building Schools

Education Minister John O’Dowd has opened a new ICT unit at St Joseph’s Primary School, Killeenan in Cookstown.

An investment of £70,000 from the Department of Education as well as fundraising organised through the Parent Fundraising Group has enabled the construction of additional office space, an ICT unit and a medical room.

The Minister viewed the new facilities at the school and paid tribute to pupils, staff and parents. He said:

“It is always special for me as Education Minister to have the opportunity to attend the opening of any new facilities.

“The new office and ICT area are excellent facilities which will benefit the children during their journey in formal education. I am very pleased that I was able to provide an investment of £70,000 for the school. There are other minor works underway also which will enhance the fabric of the school.

“St Joseph’s Primary School has been delivering good quality education to the young people of Cookstown for many years. These new and upgraded areas in the school will help continue this good work.”



Click on the image below to be directed to the Speedwell Family Support page.            The Speedwell Trust offer 1:1 support as well as famiy support.


Contact details:

Tara: 07717411465

Kim: 07717410393



Download the document below to read "A Quick Guide to the Curriculum"


Return to school: September 2022

Dear parents,

I hope you have all enjoyed the summer break, it always seems to go in so quickly!

Please find attached some relevant details below. Life in St Joseph's will continue as normal. We have not received any new guidance or updates regarding Covid isolation times, or testing guidance, so we will very much have to wait and see what happens. We truly hope this will be a settled year with limited sickness and absences for both pupils and staff. As always, we will endeavour to do the best for all of the children in our care.

If you have any additional queries please email me on

School uniform: Apologies for the delay in informing you of collection details. Despite our order being place early we are still waiting on a large portion of uniform items. We have been assured these will be with us shortly.

Uniforms can be collected on Tuesday between 10am - 2pm and on Wednesday from 10am - 4pm. 

We have always been mindful of the costs of uniforms. The children may continue to wear their own sports clothing for PE activities, if required. PLAIN navy trousers / track bottoms / leggings may also continue to be worn, no sports logo bottoms please. The children may also continue to wear non logo items such as plain pale blue polo shirts and navy jumpers, if desired. Please make sure ALL uniform items are clearly labelled as well as lunch boxes, drinking bottles...

School meals: We will continue with the ParentPay system. It may take a week to get it running smoothly again. As long  as the children tell their teacher in the first week we will be able to keep the system updated. Once fully operational, please book ALL meals, paid and free on the system. 

Stay & Play: This will operate for children in P1 & P2 who wish to stay in school until 3pm. If your child is going home by bus please make sure we are aware.

Hall collection: We will continue to walk the children down to the hall at 3pm. Please make sure all of the people who collect your child/ren are aware of this. Please also ensure that cars do not drive in through the entrance when we are walking through. Please also do not distract the teacher who is watching to ensure the children are safely collected.

School access: Parents should not enter the school building. The children should enter the school building independently. P1/P2- access through the front door. P3/4- access through the side door. P5/6- children should go around the side of the building and up to the mobile. If it is very wet, or they are running late, please go through the front door, out the back and up to the mobile. P6/7 - access though the side door. Children arriving by car should be dropped off at the lay-by so they can safely walk up the path. Please do not walk though our staff car-park.

Late arrival: If your child arrives late to school please make sure they gain entry to the building / classroom. The front door is very heavy, the younger children may need assistance to open it. 

Children arriving by car should be left off at 9am. Working parents may leave children off at the lay-by from 8.45am. The children will then be supervised in the main hall until 9am when they will go to class.


Our Tyrone visitors were very welcome in St Joseph's 



Our Flower Arranging Experts


Read our report on the Department of Education website:



O’Dowd opens new ICT unit at St Joseph’s Primary School, Killeenan
Date published: 10 December 2015
Schools And Infrastructure Building Schools

Education Minister John O’Dowd has opened a new ICT unit at St Joseph’s Primary School, Killeenan in Cookstown.

An investment of £70,000 from the Department of Education as well as fundraising organised through the Parent Fundraising Group has enabled the construction of additional office space, an ICT unit and a medical room.

The Minister viewed the new facilities at the school and paid tribute to pupils, staff and parents. He said:

“It is always special for me as Education Minister to have the opportunity to attend the opening of any new facilities.

“The new office and ICT area are excellent facilities which will benefit the children during their journey in formal education. I am very pleased that I was able to provide an investment of £70,000 for the school. There are other minor works underway also which will enhance the fabric of the school.

“St Joseph’s Primary School has been delivering good quality education to the young people of Cookstown for many years. These new and upgraded areas in the school will help continue this good work.”



Click on the image below to be directed to the Speedwell Family Support page.            The Speedwell Trust offer 1:1 support as well as famiy support.


Contact details:

Tara: 07717411465

Kim: 07717410393



Download the document below to read "A Quick Guide to the Curriculum"


Return to school: September 2022

Dear parents,

I hope you have all enjoyed the summer break, it always seems to go in so quickly!

Please find attached some relevant details below. Life in St Joseph's will continue as normal. We have not received any new guidance or updates regarding Covid isolation times, or testing guidance, so we will very much have to wait and see what happens. We truly hope this will be a settled year with limited sickness and absences for both pupils and staff. As always, we will endeavour to do the best for all of the children in our care.

If you have any additional queries please email me on

School uniform: Apologies for the delay in informing you of collection details. Despite our order being place early we are still waiting on a large portion of uniform items. We have been assured these will be with us shortly.

Uniforms can be collected on Tuesday between 10am - 2pm and on Wednesday from 10am - 4pm. 

We have always been mindful of the costs of uniforms. The children may continue to wear their own sports clothing for PE activities, if required. PLAIN navy trousers / track bottoms / leggings may also continue to be worn, no sports logo bottoms please. The children may also continue to wear non logo items such as plain pale blue polo shirts and navy jumpers, if desired. Please make sure ALL uniform items are clearly labelled as well as lunch boxes, drinking bottles...

School meals: We will continue with the ParentPay system. It may take a week to get it running smoothly again. As long  as the children tell their teacher in the first week we will be able to keep the system updated. Once fully operational, please book ALL meals, paid and free on the system. 

Stay & Play: This will operate for children in P1 & P2 who wish to stay in school until 3pm. If your child is going home by bus please make sure we are aware.

Hall collection: We will continue to walk the children down to the hall at 3pm. Please make sure all of the people who collect your child/ren are aware of this. Please also ensure that cars do not drive in through the entrance when we are walking through. Please also do not distract the teacher who is watching to ensure the children are safely collected.

School access: Parents should not enter the school building. The children should enter the school building independently. P1/P2- access through the front door. P3/4- access through the side door. P5/6- children should go around the side of the building and up to the mobile. If it is very wet, or they are running late, please go through the front door, out the back and up to the mobile. P6/7 - access though the side door. Children arriving by car should be dropped off at the lay-by so they can safely walk up the path. Please do not walk though our staff car-park.

Late arrival: If your child arrives late to school please make sure they gain entry to the building / classroom. The front door is very heavy, the younger children may need assistance to open it. 

Children arriving by car should be left off at 9am. Working parents may leave children off at the lay-by from 8.45am. The children will then be supervised in the main hall until 9am when they will go to class.


Our Tyrone visitors were very welcome in St Joseph's 



Our Flower Arranging Experts


Read our report on the Department of Education website:



O’Dowd opens new ICT unit at St Joseph’s Primary School, Killeenan
Date published: 10 December 2015
Schools And Infrastructure Building Schools

Education Minister John O’Dowd has opened a new ICT unit at St Joseph’s Primary School, Killeenan in Cookstown.

An investment of £70,000 from the Department of Education as well as fundraising organised through the Parent Fundraising Group has enabled the construction of additional office space, an ICT unit and a medical room.

The Minister viewed the new facilities at the school and paid tribute to pupils, staff and parents. He said:

“It is always special for me as Education Minister to have the opportunity to attend the opening of any new facilities.

“The new office and ICT area are excellent facilities which will benefit the children during their journey in formal education. I am very pleased that I was able to provide an investment of £70,000 for the school. There are other minor works underway also which will enhance the fabric of the school.

“St Joseph’s Primary School has been delivering good quality education to the young people of Cookstown for many years. These new and upgraded areas in the school will help continue this good work.”